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Porcelain Teeth Veneers
Silverdale, WA

Dental Veneers provided by in Silverdale, WA at

Our staff at Life Long Dental can help you have the smile you want in as little as two office visits. We can make your teeth look whiter, straighter, fill gaps, or give your teeth an even appearance, using dental porcelain veneers. The results almost seem magical. By covering the face of your most visible teeth, Dr. Gillespie can dramatically change the look of your smile.

Porcelain veneers are a quick cosmetic enhancement that will last the patient years, giving them an instant professional look. The look of your teeth affects how you are seen and how you see yourself. Dental veneers have been known to increase self-confidence and help our patients light up a room with their beautiful smile.

What are porcelain veneers?

Different from a dental crown, veneers are a thin piece of porcelain that we customize to the look you want and then cement to the front side of your teeth. The real magic is the dramatic difference that we can make with them. We can entirely change the natural tooth beneath to fit the desired look on top. We can help your teeth look longer, shorter, wider, and most definitely cleaner and brighter. Dental veneers are ideal for patients who are looking to change the look of their teeth, we have used them to:
•  Give your teeth an even appearance: Dr. Gillespie can even out the lines of your teeth, making them appear longer or shorter, giving you a perfect even line.
•  Make your teeth appear straighter without braces: Dr. Gillespie can help your front teeth appear straight, even if they are twisted or out of alignment. We will reshape your natural tooth structure before placing the veneer, giving your teeth a straight look.
•  Fill in gaps between teeth: Do you have a gap between your front teeth? This is a common problem. Dr. Gillespie can close the gaps between your teeth, not by moving them with braces, but with the help of veneers. Your customized veneers can vary in width and size.
•  Hide discolored or stained teeth: If your teeth have been discolored or stained from fluorosis, medications you are taking, smoking, or just from normal use, we can help your teeth look whiter and cleaner with dental veneers.
•  Cover fractured, broken or chipped teeth: Dr. Gillespie can cover teeth that have been damaged or fractured with dental veneers. You do not have to live with chipped teeth, we can easily give you that perfect, professional look quickly and easily.

This patient had yellowing and misshapen teeth.
This patient had yellowing and misshapen teeth.
Veneers placed on the teeth and while keeping the natural aesthetic of his teeth was able to make the outline of teeth more pleasing to the eye.
Veneers placed on the teeth and while keeping the natural aesthetic of his teeth was able to make the outline of teeth more pleasing to the eye.

This patient had bonding applied to a cracked tooth—creating an unsightly bulge on side.
This patient had bonding applied to a cracked tooth—creating an unsightly bulge on side.
Porcelain used veneers to enhance his smile.
Porcelain used veneers to enhance his smile.

In as little as two office visits, you can have teeth that you never thought you would have. No braces, no whitening treatments, we can give you the look of having year's worth of dental work done faster than you think. Dr. Gillespie will help you create a perfect treatment plan for what you are hoping to achieve. We can help you alter the shape, size, color, and the overall look of your teeth. This plan is customized to you, from the shade you prefer and the look that you want.

Call us today at (360) 633-2377 to schedule your appointment.

Find Our Location

Life Long Dental

3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383


(360) 633-2377


(360) 692-8863


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 7:30am–4:30pm
Friday: Closed


3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383

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Dental Veneers - Silverdale, WA • Life Long Dental
At Life Long Dental, we make your teeth look whiter, straighter, and fill gaps, using dental porcelain veneers. Click to learn more.
Life Long Dental, 3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383 + (360) 633-2377 + + 9/9/2024 + Key Phrases: Dentist Silverdale WA +