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Nutrition and Oral Health

Posted on 8/8/2022 by Life Long Dental
Nutrition and Oral HealthNutrition plays a significant role in taking care of oral health. Most dental diseases could be prevented by maintaining a diet full of nutrients. Nutrition is the combination of diet and the vitamins and minerals we consume. Our diet affects the way our oral health is maintained and its resistance to infections. We are going to discuss some oral diseases and their relation to nutrition.

Dental Diseases and Nutrition.

Dental caries or decay is one of the major prevalent dental diseases. This disease occurs when bacteria from holes in the teeth accumulate due to sugar leftovers and failure to clean them. Individuals who consume huge sugar content are highly exposed to dental caries.

Research shows that natural sugars from foods like cheese and milk massively benefit your teeth as they contain minerals like calcium.
Dental erosion occurs due to abrasive forces and chemical reactions on the teeth. The eroded teeth usually lose their enamel first, followed by the dentin. Diets with many dietary acids such as citric acid, phosphoric acid, and ascorbic acid are dangerous to the teeth. Acute demineralization is associated with taking soft drinks and beverages in large quantities.

Periodontal diseases, also known as gum diseases, include infections such as gingivitis. People with insufficient vitamins are at high risk of gum disease infection. Dental diseases could spread to the blood vessels leading to infections in the brain and heart.

Oral cancer cases are rising gradually among many people. This cancer is attributed to contemporary lifestyle and poor intake of nutrients. Unfortunately, foods that protect against dental infections, such as greens, are avoided as people desire manufactured and canned food. These could cause changes in their DNA and increase the chances of being carcinogenic.

Offering care

A balanced diet consisting of greens and food rich in natural sugars like fruits could be preventive. Contact us for guidance on nutrition for better oral health.

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Life Long Dental

3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383


(360) 633-2377


(360) 692-8863


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 7:30am–4:30pm
Friday: Closed


3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383

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