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Chipped Tooth: Removal or Correction

Posted on 12/23/2021 by Life Long Dental
Chipped Tooth: Removal or CorrectionIf you got a chipped, broken, or chipped tooth visit the dentist immediately to avoid more damage and getting infections that could lead to tooth loss. The treatment of a chipped tooth is going to depend on the severity of the damage.

Bonding or fillings

A chipped tooth might require the dentist to repair the damage by applying fillings, this is only when the enamel is slightly damaged. The dentist might also apply composite resin and this is called bonding. Composite resin is better for the composite material bonds with the natural teeth.

Dental crowns

If a huge portion of your tooth is chipped the dentist will advise you on having a dental crown. The remaining tooth is filled and the dentist will cap it using a crown. A crown helps by protecting the tooth improving the aesthetic appearance and preserving the function of that tooth. If the damage is severe and the pulp can be seen there might be pulp damage. The dentist removes the dead pulp and can perform root canal therapy.

Dental veneers

When you have a chipped tooth at the front the dentist will make it healthy and flawless and this is by applying dental veneers. Composite resin or porcelain is structured to match the specific needs. The application of veneer is on the surface of the existing tooth with a special kind of cement.

Proper dental care

A chipped tooth will require proper oral care, to avoid getting a chipped tooth ensure that you repair fillings, cracks before they break. Do a dental check-up at least twice a year and have dental cleanings to remove the plaque and tartar that might be in between the teeth. If you are experiencing bruxism or grinding wear a night guard at night to prevent your tooth chipping. To prevent a tooth from chipping wear an occlusal guard when playing sport. The dentist will also advise you on taking Invisalign therapy if you have mal-posed teeth.

Find Our Location

Life Long Dental

3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383


(360) 633-2377


(360) 692-8863


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 7:30am–4:30pm
Friday: Closed


3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383

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