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Why is Tap Water Better for Your Teeth Than Bottled Water?

Posted on 8/10/2020 by Amy
Why is Tap Water Better for Your Teeth Than Bottled Water?These days, it's more common for people to drink bottled water than tap water. This is partially due to the convenience of bottled water. Also, many people consider bottled water safer and purer than tap water. Although bottled water is a great alternative to sugary sodas, it is not a good substitute for tap water. In fact, tap water is much better for your teeth than bottled water.

How Is Tap Water Better for My Teeth?

In certain situations, bottled water is your only choice for drinking water. However, when tap water is handy, you should choose it over bottled water. That's because it contains a key ingredient that helps keep your teeth healthy: fluoride. Bottled water doesn't contain fluoride because it is removed during either distillation or reverse osmosis. These processes are intended to remove certain substances for purity and to improve the flavor.

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is added to toothpaste and mouthwash to strengthen tooth enamel and fight tooth decay. It is also added to city water supplies in many areas of the world. This mineral is considered one of your best defenses against tooth decay and cavities. This is precisely why the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends using toothpaste with fluoride.

No matter how well you brush your teeth, there is always some plaque left behind, and that's where fluoride comes in. It helps remove this leftover plaque to further defend you against cavities. In addition, fluoride treatments you receive in our office during your routine cleanings protect your teeth even more.

Although drinking bottled water is good for your overall health, it's not as good for your teeth as tap water. Whenever you have a choice between the two, reach for a glass and turn on the faucet. Your teeth will thank you for it. For more information about fluoride and your oral health, contact our office.

For more information about some of the related services we offer explore the links to below!
Fluoride Treatment
Dental Exam
Dental Implants
Dental Crown

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Life Long Dental

3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383


(360) 633-2377


(360) 692-8863


Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday-Friday: 7:30am–4:30pm


3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383

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